'Breathe In Love Out' series
One episode per week - 6 months
The bridge between knowing and knowingness.
Each episode is a light switch to shine on your life path.
Welcome to Breathe in, Love Out! I am very pleased that you are here. It is with great pleasure that I am sharing with you in audio form my blog which is also a book series that is taking form as well.
I am deeply grateful to have been able to help and inspire people for a few decades now. It is not always easy to believe in ourselves and stop the ego controlling our mental space. I know a lot about this. Over the past 30 years I became an expert in gratitude and ego-based mind.
The episodes you will hear in this series are like little light switches to light up your path, helping you to bridge your way to your inner Self, or Higher Self, to your own inner Light.
Sometimes, you will learn from what I will share, and sometimes you will only be reminded of something your ego might veil.
The goal of my work is to help you better understand your mental space and to learn to know your Authentic Self, so you can enjoy your life and follow your dreams; so you can believe in your full potential and in your infinite power.
Our ego-based mind is more often in control than we might think or admit... until we know and can say: "okay ego I can take it from here".
So, before we reach that point, we might have to learn who we are and how our ego works and plays in our mental space.
So again, welcome! And I am very grateful that you are here on this magnificent mindfulness journey.
Let's lift up those ego veils.
Dr. Nathalie Turgeon Ph.D.
Metaphysical practitioner
Spiritual teacher . Life coaching . Spiritual coaching.
THIS IS THE 6 MONTHS OF EPISODES OPTION - The first 5 episodes are free.
You can enjoying the weekly episodes choosing from the courses menu the option you prefer: 3 months, 6 months or 1 year. You can also listen the episodes for free on your favorite podcast app (link in header).
Episode 6 - Because you want better
About this course
- $72.00
- *** 5 first episodes are free
- 3 months $36 /// 6 months $72 /// 12 months $156 *** SELECT YOUR CHOSEN PROGRAM FROM THE COURSE MENU